Gun Violence Prevention Lobby Day – February 8th at 8 AM

Dear Church,

Gun violence in the US is at an all-time high. Just this past weekend we saw a life taken by a gun here in Manchester. The time is ripe for a change.

We have a theological, moral, and ethical responsibility to respond as the Church, and as people of faith.

To that end, NHCC is a member of the statewide Gun Violence Prevention Coalition alongside our friends at Granite State Progress, Moms Demand, members of the legislature, activists, and others. In our public policy statement adopted in 2013 we named clearly the call present in our scriptures to turn our swords into plowshares. It is idolatrous to believe that guns will protect us.

We invite you to join us for Gun Violence Prevention Lobby Day at the State House on February 8th at 8 AM.  NHCC and Voices of Faith will be present and visible both in the lobby and outside of the chamber from 8 AM-9 AM. There will also be a press conference in support of responsible gun ownership, and gun control at 8:30 AM. Please join us for all, or part of the time.

More to come on a call for sign-ins and testimony later this week.


Rev. Heidi