Our Values

How do we build a more just world in God’s name?

Our sacred texts inspire our vision for a just world in God’s name. We understand that our liberation is deeply bound up with one another, and a “revolution in values” is required.  The prophet Amos declared, “let justice roll down like water, and righteousness like an overflowing stream” (Amos 5:24). To that end, the NH Council of Churches acts with a united voice to achieve these aspirations and commitments.

Building a more just world in God’s name…

  • Calls us to act with a united voice to dismantle white supremacy and racism inside and outside of the Church.
  • Works to dismantle systemic oppression, including patriarchy, homophobia, transphobia, and ableism.
  • Engages us in care of and solidarity with people who are marginalized, poor, or oppressed.
  • Ensures care of Creation, and a faithful stewardship of resources.
  • Offers abundant interfaith and ecumenical connections rooted in holy imagination.
  • Actively practices harm reduction and community care for our siblings with substance-use disorders.
  • Takes tangible steps toward a world free from gun violence.
  • Practices radical welcome for immigrants and refugees.
  • Assures a living wage for all.
  • Imagines a future for the Church grounded in abundance, collaboration, connection, and creativity.