Announcement: The Council to Address Christian Nationalism’s Impact in NH

The NH Council of Churches is pleased to announce that it is initiating the formation of a coalition to address the presence and impacts of Christian Nationalism and associated ideologies in NH.  The Council is pleased to be joining several organizations already engaged in this work.  The destructive narratives contained in the writings and speeches of individuals and national level organizations promulgating these messages are harmful to the Church, all Granite Staters, and to democracy.  The Council believes that now is the time to develop a proactive, coordinated strategy to counter the  anti-semitism, anti-immigrant lies, election denial, Covid conspiracies, and, basic hate-speech embedded in the rhertoric of adherents to Christian Nationalism.  The NH Council of Churches is aligned with healing NH communities by promoting peace, justice, equity, and love between and among neighbors. 

“Capacity crowds at the screenings of Bad Faith demonstrate that Granite Staters, both people of faith and secular folks, are ready to be organized and strategic in NH’s response to the destructive activites in our local communities” says Lisa Beaudoin, Interim Executive Director.

To join this coalition, please email Lisa at: