Category Archives: News

NHCC in the News!

Thank you to our friends at the NH bulletin for this piece. We are a group of Church leaders, yes. We are also a group of interfaith clergy and leaders. We are Protestant and Catholic. We are Christian and Jewish. We are Episcopalian and United Church of Christ. We are PCUSA and United Methodist. We…

Ash Wednesday Reflection

“I am so afraid,” she whispered to me.  “Please don’t go.” She was alone, and she was dying.  She was dying hard.  It was not a peaceful death, or one surrounded by loved ones.   She was afraid, and needed a witness. It was and is so understandable.  Death can be terrifying.   We’re bad at talking…

Celebrating Black History Month!

Dear Church, Happy Black History Month! February 1st marks the beginning of Black History Month. I always think it is appropriate that it often closely precedes, or syncs with the Christian observance of Lent. Lent is a time in the Christian calendar devoted to deep inward reflection, and repentance. It is also the season when we walk…