Faithfully Standing up for LGBTQ+ Youth on March 7th Details

Schedule of Events for March 7th:

Visibility and Press Conference at 8 AM in front of the State House

Hearings begin at 9 AM

See below for links to sign-in, schedule of committee hearings by room, and links to submit written testimony to the committee.

Note: some hearings are taking place in Representatives Hall at the State House, and others in the Legislative Office Building (LOB). Make note as you plan to attend.

Oppose SB 272, which would require school officials to forcibly out transgender, gender non-conforming, or questioning students with non-affirming parents. At 9 AM in Senate Education Committee, Room 101, LOB.

Oppose HB 10, which is a less-strongly worded, but still bad, version of SB 272. Both bills also allow parents to object to a wide range of “objectionable” or “sexual” (read: LGBTQ+) materials in schools. At 1:15 PM in House Children and Family Law, Room 206-208, LOB.

Oppose HB 417, which would define gender affirming care for minors as “child abuse.” At 10:45 AM in House Children and Family Law, Room 206-208, LOB.

Oppose HB 619, the “trifecta of anti-transness,” which would ban gender affirming care for minors, end LGBTQ+ affirmation and education in public schools, and re-legalize conversion therapy. At 10 AM in House Health and Human Services, in Representatives Hall, State House.

Support HB 368, which would allow out-of-state trans healthcare seekers who come to New Hampshire to be protected from prosecution when they return to their home states. At 1 PM in House Health and Human Services, in Representatives Hall, State House.